
We Got Jobs

And lookee at the rich repugs smile like flies on shit. Yes but of course jobs are needed but you don't have to think too hard about what they relate to.

Radio slugs and writers and others as well in Denver love to and continually refer to Boulder as "The people's republic of Boulder". Yup that they do and some snicker when they say it.

Yes what can I say? I'd like to see these 400 "jobs" not be in the perpetual war field but something like Sustainable Agriculture. You betcha that would work.


  1. Sustainable jobs would be in a field like renewable energy. Those would kill two birds w/one stone.

  2. That's no good - it makes too much sense.

  3. I've come back to this exchange twice and I still chuckle. Not because it's truly funny, but because your response is so absurdly true. And that makes it worth a chuckle.

  4. Of course you two ladies recognize easily the irony/reality of our situation.

    I guess most I associate with do not. Most of the conversations I have about "things" are here on the internets.

    Thanks for that T.

  5. I adore OF..he gets angry like moi and then types it all out for us to read. ;)

  6. Hello girls, Lets understand here that you two run classy joints but much different. I'm still learning from Teresa and Dusty what you've been putting up lately is the best and and I know I can trust your commentary. Not always but when I read what's in the links I agree most of the time.

    The stories you can weave T. are so much fun.

    You two bring quality using different methods. I have to be a smart ass because I find our situation so dire being serious and nice don't cut it. I have not used the f-bomb in awhile but it could happen. The use of the c word the other day Dusty was put to good use. I respect that! That and holy fuck a moly.

    Go read this girl. This is so good and she put something up that hit home to me and we've written back and forth about it and it was kinda about how people perceive bloggers.

    Cali transplant and is a neighbor kinda as she lives in Paonia. You know that strain of dis ting from years ago called Paonia Gold. Never tried it but heard many a story.

  7. OF..I LOVE her!!!! Thank you for sending me there. Gawd, she IS an awesome blogger and she uses plenty of cuss words to satisfy me too LOL.

    I am using the olde blog only to blogroll folks as I haven't created that section on my new blog yet. So I did blogroll her there.
