
What To Fear Most

A Medical Marijuana Dispensary??

Or crazy bastards like this women doktor who says no to the whole legal process that was followed from state level down to city level. That it has no merit and will destroy the fabric of local society so badly that the rights of these people who started these businesses must be taken away if society at local level is going to survive.

Link to the gestapo article.

I despise the bastards on the right with my whole being and there will never be any common ground found when it comes to insane dark age mentality they want to impose on all of us so we can live in their world so they feel good about it.


  1. I wonder if the wars in Asia are only happening to make us forget about the war on drugs?

  2. I doubt nothing Patrick.

    It's like a pond of starving fish our populace that is that will bite on anything they're fed.

  3. Sounds like this doctor gets a good deal of money from the pharmaceutical industry and/or she graduated at the bottom of her class and barely passed her boards.

  4. Looks like you may have read some of the comments under this article. She gets hammered and turns out she's a bagger as well. Pretty close to being at the top of the list for hypocrisy. The asshole they quote at the end of the article is a whore as well and has been known to diseminate KKK related material in the southern part of the county. He is such a prick. Mayunard the Hut is what some call him.

    Just as important Cats is the fact this piece of shit paper like everywhere across the country give these inbred bastards a forum to spew their shit.

  5. whoa fly, what happened to free speech?

  6. You settle down out there-no one has stopped any of these asshole from saying anything. But have they ever got their asses kicked in the comment. It's always fun to see nutters get their asses kicked.
