
Whore AP Slams bama On Guns

The headline with no link. 

PROMISES, PROMISES: No action from Obama on guns

Of course this is in reference to the winger who shot Representative Giffords and killed six others.

If anyone thought for a second that there was going to be any meaningful legislation on guns from this tragic event please stop being so naive. It was not going to happen and it certainly won't happen in the future. Things like that are never going to be allowed in our New Amerika.


  1. The President is a right-wing Rushpubliscum in deed, so we need not concern ourselves with his words. He's Chimpy with a tan; he runs to the left while he campaigns, and then gets back over to the right when he wins. That strategy was perfected by Chimpy and Der Rovesmarschall.

  2. Actually I was very nice to our president in this case. I'm trying to be a bit nicer these days.

    However the troop #'s on 3rd war front will announced on Wed. I expect little as always.
