
What About The Others

Will the screwed who supported the bush regime and all the others now who continue to bleat "she's gonna come back" finally say no more and demand real change happen. No they won't.

I'm just a single guy and it hurts bad. What about people with family's who are losing even more of the little they had?

Part of my losses are of my own doing but not all. Middle America who has money wherever that Wall Street has access to are not financial people as I am not.

Ultimately we are all responsible for ourselves but you have to put your trust somewhere at times when it comes to matter like this.

What I'm saying is that for years there have been crimes committed with these institutions and that is the reason the markets are the way they are now. There were chances to bring accountability into this equation but of course it was not and here we go again.

It does not have to be this way but this is what our leaders and our government do to us. 

Will the sheep ever say no more I can't take it anymore. I sincerely doubt it.



  1. Hi Tom! While I was reading this I was listening to Romney say corporations are people too and the audience was pissed.

    I am disgusted with Repugs, they want total collapse and nothing less so they can blame it on Obama and get back in and finish off us and Bush's misagenda.

  2. I just saw that as well Jim and what's sad is that these people believe this stuff.

  3. Politicians on both sides have drawn America into bankruptcy. What could happen is pressure , even some kind of intervention from countries like China and Russia that keep dollars and american bounds as their reserve money, and see it all endangered now.
