
Not This Time

Last year we won this. Not even close this year and yours truly sucked bad. Our team which was weak to begin with consisted of five guys and we came in last.

We had bragging rights for a year anyway and have won it in the past. Other than that I know nothing as I was out well after dark last night and in town which does not happen that often.


  1. Well, Fly, since I've never golfed in my life, you're still way ahead of me.

  2. If you haven't by now you've not missed a thing.

  3. My brother and my younger son are both golf fanatics. For years now, my son has been going to Myrtle Beach with his golfing buddies and all they do is play round after round, day after day. And my brother, right after he retired as a college vice president, decided to work in a golf pro shop. He's not doing that now, but he did it for a couple of years.

  4. I was asked to go out today and said yes and then begged out. It's kinda weird. I'm sitting outside and it just perfect. There are mixed feelings. It's going to be hard to drive away.

    Up the road there will be a 27 holer that operates on little money. I hope to make a deal with the super to do something to get a few rounds of golf. If I have to pay it won't happen. I was never fanatical about it but the thrill has left. Will golf on Sunday morning and on Monday during the day. All of a sudden I'm popular.

    Generally Fearguth if you have skills in respect to golf there is generally a decent chance someone will let you work for them to do something. But remember those in the chump house are bit players. it's us guys that make things go round.
