
Thanks Again You Dick

So if this repug puke can win in this "heavily Democratic district" what in the hell do you think is going to happen when their machine really ramps up nationwide between now and Nov 012?


  1. Means nothing. The district is heavily white, and Jewish. People who try to read anything into this are going to be as wrong as the ones who tried to read things into the upstate special elections.

  2. Then why would these people even think about putting a repug into office even for a short period of time?

  3. He went after the whole Palestinian-Israeli debate..that is how he did it. As Diane Gee wrote about at Wild Wild Left: Medicare loses to the bs in Israel.

  4. We ain't seen nothing yet.
    Thanks Dusty.

  5. We ain't seen nothing yet. I hope The Big O is pissin down both legs that a blue district went red..they have been blue for over a 100 years I think.

  6. He's so far to the right I seriously wonder if it means much to him at all.

  7. Israel trumps everything in that district.

  8. Save a few lumps for the NY Dems who chose to run a dismal old hack instead of a real candidate.

  9. Ah Jolly Roger. Guess what makes up most of the electorate. White people.

    We're fucked dude. Get used to it and good luck.

  10. MsExPat wrote a thoughtful analysis of what went on in the NY-09.

    BTW, that link in the article doesn't work. Am I the first to notice?

    Oh, and I think the short answer to your question to Jolly Roger is that a lot of people didn't show up. The last vote count I saw at the AP page was less than 65,000 votes total. The NY-26 was about 110k, and the NV-02 was over 120k. I think MsExPat does a good job of explaining why many didn't.

  11. Now the link works. Thanks C.

    In any case the loss was huge and many know why it happened but didn't see the loss coming.
