
This Man Can't Really Be This Stupid

Or is he?


  1. It sounds to me, that for all the capitulation to the Republicans over the debt ceiling thingy, he was waiting to attach his ideas to a jobs bill, something the American people could really understand. I'm starting to think he's as smart as I originally thought he was and very politically astute.

    He may have the Republicans right where he wants them, in no position to say no....

  2. b b b b but if this is his plan why has it taken three years to play out??

  3. Good question. Unfortunately, in politics, everything is timing. It doesn't make him compassionate, it just makes him politically savvy. Still not what we thought we'd elected, but then I was high on hope. Reality has been a serious bummer.

  4. Without question Teresa many are more optimistic than I. I will continue to expect nothing and haven't been disappointed yet from the dims.

    BTW -your last post was so good and was late to the party and didn't know what to say so I said nothing.

  5. Of course, it COULD all be a well-orchestrated Turkey Dance.

  6. Truth be told, it's probably all a well-orchestrated Turkey Dance.

    And thanks, One Fly, for the comment on my last post. Here or there, it's all good, as they say.

  7. Actualy not a tax increase. Reducing deductions does not raise their tax bracket, just how less they can get out of paying.
    It's DOA. There's no way congress will pass this bill, but it will give Obama a talking point while running for re-election.

  8. I agree with P M Prescott, this is vaporware. Obama was against re-instituting the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy before he was for it. It's just something to keep the faithful out there bugging the rest of us by telling us what a great job Obama would be doing if only the Democrats had control of Congress...

  9. As usual the header 'steals the show' from your post. Such a superb image!

    As for Obama, I do hope he gets reelected, for the simple reason that the americans have to learn a lesson once and for all, as they're just living in a movie.

  10. There's a lesson being taught here for sure Duta. Whether the students are learning anything is question.

    That picture was on the north end of Browns Park looking south. In the very NE of Colorado just inside the state line of Utah and almost to Wyoming. It could have been in Utah too. Thanks!
