

Was it worth it? Yes it was. Hiked my butt off and it was wonderfully warm out. Drew a bit of blood one time and met a variety of interesting people. Now it's time to stick around here for awhile and get some things done for winter.

Saw some interesting things and learned a bit as well. Ever been to Bloomfield,NM? I'll tell you about it later. Seems like 80% of the people out there are like me - older I guess. Some are pretty young and retired as well.

There were no issues adjusting to enjoying things out in the boonies and not having to think about returning to work like always in the past. In years past there was always a feeling of keeping moving because time was limited.

Not this time and felt totally at ease. I had a blast and feel so fortunate that I am able to do things like this.

Ever hear of Creede?


  1. I can well imagine how much fun you had. When I lived in SF, I always drove through Bloomfield going to Bluff and Moab, but was glad I was driving Through. Perhaps I missed something.... Creede, Colorado? I have not been there, but hear it's gorgeous. Before I returned to Minnesota I thought about renting a cabin there where I could write.

    Are you thinking of another move or just a good place to visit?

  2. Lived for a time in Farmington and know the area well. Bloomfield kind of gets lost up there.

  3. It's different that is for sure Pat.

  4. Yep...retirement is great!


  5. It's been like it was for you Linda. Three weeks in and no regrets nor will there be.
