
bama's Student Loan Plan To Help - - - Well

It just doesn't seem like a whole hell of a lot to me but then again I'm not one who carrys any student debt. It's sick that this country makes people debtors of people for 20 years who have to borrow money for education. The leader of the free world can do better but we won't.


  1. More lip service.

    Drops in the bucket of misery.

    But it sure makes for a great photo op.

  2. drops in the bucket - where do you come up with this stuff.

  3. http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/army-ranger-killed-on-14th-war-deployment/

    This guy will never get a student loan.
    It was his 14th fucking deployment.
    That is criminal.
    Who or what have we become?
    Or, have we always been, what we have always said we hated.

  4. Here it is brother!


    Less than 10 buckaroos a month.

    The numbers do not lie, only people lie.

  5. And they don't lie. Pure lip service. If anyone for a second thought there was going to be a substantial positive impact on this issue you were being very naieve.

    Thanks for that RZ!!

  6. As the parent of a college graduate with honors who is the finest waitress at a local eating establishment, .

    Ah shit. Fortunately we had the resources to pay for college. The people that didn't need help. I just hope this is a real program.
