
Blackwater Thug Update

Prosecutors filed a felony assault charge Monday against a CIA contractor accused of getting into a fight over a parking space in Colorado months after he was involved in a fatal shootout in Pakistan. He was originally arrested on suspicion of a lesser charge of third-degree assault, a misdemeanor. District attorney’s spokeswoman Casimir Spencer said prosecutors opted for the more serious charge because it was appropriate. She declined to elaborate.  Link

Something tells me this incident was real bad in some way. Coppers hate to charge their own and then the DA ups the charge with no explanation.

I think back to the video of these Blackwater dudes riding down a road in Iraq shooting and hitting random cars driving on the road with them. And laughing like kids.

This country is huge on making sure certain people are immune from accountability when it comes to crimes including the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocents.

It chaps my ass and I refuse to let go of it. If one does then you condone it.


  1. Maybe the prosecutor has the same feelings you do, that many of us do. It may be overreaching, as this crime is an entirely different one, but dirty deeds done not-so-dirt cheap should not be left without consequences....

    btw: Is that Valley of the Gods? I miss those views.

  2. Bottom line - you can not do crap like this and not be punished if society is going to function. Then there's war for lies that most refuse to acknowledge.

    Yes it is T. I need to go someplace before -well you know. It doesn't seem right to go screwing off right out of the box when there are projects here.

  3. I suspect the DA was seriously dissed by the CIA following the arrest and the more serious charge is her FU back at them.
