
Can't Kill At Will = Deal Breaker

And how bad we wanted to stay. What fun is it if you're going to be held responsible if you kill innocent people after years of doing so without any ramifications.

Throughout the discussions, Iraqi leaders refused to give U.S. troops immunity from prosecution in Iraqi courts, and the Americans refused to stay without that guarantee.

Well no shit! Good on the Iraq's for standing up for what is right rather than pander even more to a country who loves to kill way too much.

So bama says they'll all be home for the holidays. That would be real good but until  they're all here in the states they're still there. When it happens the prez will get his deserved thank you from this guy.


  1. 180 are staying to guard that monument to American greed, the multi-billion dollar American Embassy.

    The only reason we are going is because we would be held accountable. That, and election season is upon us, and he's finally getting the picture that America is fed up and will not re-elect him if he doesn't start following through on his promises.

  2. Teresa
    I hate to disagree with you but.
    It is more like 5K Mercenaries will be hired top protect our largest embassy in the world.
    Plus others.
    The only ones who are not coming home are the ones that will be staying some where else over seas.
    This is after all the "long war".
    One with out borders or Continents.

    Africa is now opening up for them.

    But yes, as you say the political campaign needs more lip service for the masses.
    The paranoia over the immunity clause is very telling.
