
The Coyote's Will Be Howling At The Moon Big Time Tonight In The Cornfield

That's after they get done chewing on the bones of those tossed out for not being religiously insane enough to please the throng of the lovers of nut jobs who wish to rule our empire with tablets made with their minds of idiocy.

Who's going to take home the prize of the most bizarre. It'll be a close one and nationally televised too! Whoopee.

1 comment:

  1. Perennial presidential candidate Rick Santorum joined the growing pantheon of far right kooks this week when the former Pennsylvania senator said he would be willing to “die” to stop gay marriage.

    Santorum said:

    “The battle we’re engaged in right now is same sex marriage, ultimately that is the very foundation of our country, the family, what the family structure is going to look like. I’ll die on that hill.”

    The sex-crazed Santorum went onto explain that sex between a man and a woman is “special,” and even birth control is “not OK.”

    Santorum would have very little time to die on any hill as he and wife, Karen Garver Santorum, have seven children, suggesting the Republican spends most of his time engaging in coitus.

    Like a citrus rat, all Frothy Santorum does is screw.
