
How Can they Take This Stance With A Straight Face

Benny the Rat is ultimately responsible. In a country with 1.2 billion already Benny and his church are telling believers to have more children and on top of that there are rewards for producing more children.

Those Muzzys are getting too far ahead in the numbers you see. I don't give a shit this so wrong. I guess when you are religiously insane you feel entitled to do what ever you please even though the rest of the populace will be ultimately harmed.


  1. Overpopulation is the biggest problem we're facing and nobody in power wants to face it.

    Maybe the Catholic Church should try something like having married and female priests and doing a better job weeding out the perverts to increase it's membership rather than begging and bribing poor catholics to have more Cathoilc children.

    I'm a Roman Catholic. I believen in disclosure.

  2. But will they feed, clothe and educate them in the very hard-times to come?


    They will cut welfare for the scum!

  3. Love it!!! This is the insanity that caused me to leave the Catholic Church. I'm in agreement with 101 about female priests and marriage. That would really help...

  4. Ooh I had a cinnamon roll at Winona's (think that was the name) in Steamboat 2 days ago...yummy and I'm sure it was nonfattening!!!

  5. One of these days, Thomas Malthus will be recognized as the world's greatest prophet. Unfortunately, by then, it will be too late.

  6. Thanks all of you and Truth I have always respected how you manage your religion. Most always you never know you are a believer until there is a reason to say so. If only the crazy's would do the same but then they wouldn't be religiously insane and we'd all be better off. Can't have none of that ya know.

  7. Thanks all of you and Truth I have always respected how you manage your religion. Most always you never know you are a believer until there is a reason to say so. If only the crazy's would do the same but then they wouldn't be religiously insane and we'd all be better off. Can't have none of that ya know.

  8. TMoon -ah ski town USA. Never ate there much because of the lines but I have had one of those and it was very good. It was my turn to buy the Sunday before I left and we ate at Rex's on the south side. It was real good. This has been a Sunday event for the last three years for me and two friends. It was a 52 smacker bill with a good tip(service workers always get treated well as it's very tough to make it in a place dominated by rich people). What a bunch of BS as there will be no more expensive breakfasts with average food for this guy no more.

    Did you see any drunks passed out on main street? Da Boat is noted for that and also having Army hero's killed there as well. But they don't bring that up - I mean after all it's a "family town".

    Don't get me wrong. I bet it was still beautiful with the fall colors and you were treated graciously and had a great time.

  9. You know, India is a powder keg. They have low-level terrorist attacks every frigging day, and BIG ones every few months. Even with all of the jobs we've managed to send to them, the plight of the Indian poor is more desperate than at any other time in their history.

    There will be genocide. My guess is that when it comes, people who are adherents to "exotic" faiths are going to be targeted, since that just about always happens. And this idiot is trying to create more victims to either starve, or get snuffed.

