
To Say There's A Lot Don't Cut It

Any regular here knows how much I've hung out in western Colorado central and northern part plus Utah. There have been posts concerning the amount of activity with the oil and gas industry in those areas. The biggest and most active is south of Duchesne,UT. and there business is thriving.

Now that I live somewhere else I've seen new things. Much of what I do here is based on observation and past experiences as is this post. We're talking Bloomfield and Aztec area around NW New Mexico where I have just spent a bit of time.

Out in the boonies where I just moved from you will see quite of bit of support activities happening including Rangely and Vernal. I was not in the boonies here but did see enough in and around these two cities to comment on it.

And that is I have never seen anywhere close to the amount of oil and gas related traffic in those towns as I saw here. I was amazed I really was. There was also a slight odor and in some lower areas outside of town that had off colored clouds/pollution above.

It was very easy to tell the vehicles were because all had flags on them. My point is this - if there are this many in town where there are no wells - how many are in the country. Over all the total traffic volume from these vehicles seemed about 30 - 40%. It was a pain in the butt actually. Glad to leave but there cool ruins in both of these towns that were both must sees.

I can say it but does not make it so. The short window shot video does.

Don't try and say guvmint stymies the oil and gas corporations cuz it just ain't so.


  1. Sure. I believe it.

    Don't you know how our "change" candidate opened up the previously closed leases, etc., to the energy industry?

    I read somewhere that they will extraact every last bit of carbon-based energy from the world before they'll actually fund any other type development.

    But that's just me.

    Love ya and hope your new home is comfy!


  2. I think you and Suzan are right. They won't ever stop as long as they can be greedy and get away with it.


    DOZE BOYZ ARE GONNA FRACK THE FUCK OUT OF THAT TERRITORY! Pry all the carbon out - convert it to burnable so you can stuff more carbon into the atmosphere! YAY AMERICA! HOPE AND FUCKIN CHANGE!

