
390 Million Smacks From The Coffers Of Deranged believers To The Halls Of Congress

And that's for one year.

Discussions cannot and are not allowed in numbers enough to explain how fundamentally flawed not to mention so very wrong this marriage to government is. And it's the believers in the cornfields all over that want less guvmint. But that guvmint they want must take orders from something that never existed.

That mentality is dysfunctional plain and simple. Get ready for a real ride as the 1% gears up for election day.


  1. Most of our founding fathers were Deists, not Xtians.
    Which makes me wonder.
    Why were there no founding mothers?:-)
    Oh that's right.
    They could not even vote.

    These organizations can do ever they wish.
    As long as they acknowledge that Jesus was a Socialist. LOL

  2. Taking ... orders from something that never existed .Ah The Modern World! By The Way, that something doesn't exist in England also!
