
bama Didn't Say Squat About These Student Loans

I can tell you why - because it would have shown just how big a bullshitter he really is. His folksy bush like friendly ways about how hard he had it work for many but if you take a second and listen - - well. These new rules for grad students even though they start in July of next year are harsh to say the least. Straight from the 1%'rs in the District of Whores!

I suppose if one has a bit of money these changes don't amount to a whole hell of a lot but if you don't have much these changes are significant.

Under a law passed by Congress this summer, graduate studentswill be required to pay more for loans beginning in July. Graduate students also will lose rebates for on-time payment ofloans as part of changes that are expected to save the federalgovernment $21.6 billion over the next 10 years.The new law eliminates the graduate student loan interestsubsidy. That means that interest will keep accruing while studentsare still in school. Students will start owing interest immediately on loans issuedafter July 1. Students can still defer payment on the loans untilafter graduation.


  1. Can we stop forcing all students to take academic courses that will serve no purpose now that 3/4 of them won't be able to afford college anyway? And let them take what they love: art, auto shop, woodworking, literature, home ec even. The EdBiz is nothing but a big, twisted mess (I worked there for 19 years). I would like to see a 100% tax rebate for parents who homeschool their kids, or a credit those kids could apply to higher education.

  2. The greedmeisters have no place in the educational system and must be driven out. Obama's not the man for that job, but we'd better figure out who is.

  3. Both of you are correct and we know the answers to many of our problems and they can be fixed if correct decisions are made.

    Not in this toxic atmosphere. They say a third party is not viable. I'd like to make that decision for myself rather than let a DC bastard whore decide that for me.
