
bama Plants An Even Bigger Kiss On The Ass Of Oil Companies

Thanks a lot buddy you're a real pal of definitely not "we the people" but "us and the corporations"!

This sounds even worse - In the western and central Gulf, by contrast, the proposal puts all unleased acreage up for sale.

We know what can happen along our coasts or anywhere else for that matter. My bitch is that we have no energy policy that would save enough that we would not have to drill in these very special areas.

We will not get an energy policy from these guys or the ones that come after them. What we will get is plenty more drilling in the places we know it should not happen. 

After all it's the "New Merca for the Corporations". They have rights too ya know.


  1. So we're right back to where we were pre-Deep Water Horizon?


    Notice how President Nitwit knows better than to subject California to his energy policies? He's smart enough to know we would move to impeach his ass.

  2. I wonder what his brothers in Oakland think of him.

  3. Apparently, a decision on the highly controversial Tar Sands oil project will be delayed under after the 2012 election.

    Barry d'Nitwit knows better than to say "yes" until after he's secured a 2nd term as president.
