
Benny The Rat Tries To Shift Blame

Been away and heavily screwing off and looked at the nonsense for the first time in several days and see this bullshit. It may work some places and certainly it will make catholics feel oh so much better about their dysfunctional beliefs concerning the past and ongoing history of pedophile priests.

Listen close Benny! You clean your own house first before saying others need to do it as well. You and yours are by far and for the longest time the guiltiest pass all. You should be on trial because it still goes on. There is no mercy/no discussion/no niceties no nothing when it comes to this topic.


  1. Pope RatNAZI aided and abetted the scourge of child rapists by trying to end investigations into pedophile priests and even relocating these sick fucks to new parishes.

    The good news is, Pope RatNAZI is very old and they say, quite feeble now. Soon he will be dead.

    Then we can watch the Catholic church fuck things up again -- just like they do everytime a new pontiff is installed.

  2. How did you get so damn smart?

    This asshole gets called out whenever possible. This is no different than those crazy religious bastards "over there'.

    The next one will be just as much or even more hideous than Benny.
