
Benny Turns To Darkies

The Rat is in Africa telling them to be less violent among other things. Rape was not mentioned even with the christian Congo that uses rape as a weapon of war.  I respect this man below a great deal!

"The Poop can send a message, calling the faithful and members of the catholic community to be more true to their christian faith. What is the purpose of loving god and hating your neighbor?" said Olupona.

Nuff said but there is another matter that I very much take exception to  and needs to be addressed. From the same piece.

Benny is returning this week to Africa, the roman catholic church's fastest-growing region whose pool of aspiring priests is helping to replenish orders in Europe, where congregations are dwindling. In the past decade, Benin's catholic population has grown by half, more than half-a-million converts while congregations in Europe including in Germany and Poland, the countries that produced both the current poop and his successor, are declining.

People have seen through the smokes and mirrors and the threat of eternal damnation and numbers are way down as they should be. So what do you do? Rig the game that's what.

If you were in West Africa and white I believe it fair to say you would be held in awe by many. Baring your teeth with a scowl on your face will send pesky little kids running away pissing their pants in fear. Many and of course not all are easily  influenced and when combined with the fear factor no wonder Benny is so proud of his numbers here.

I think it's a crime to do such a thing no matter what sort of religious bullshit it may be. It's just plain wrong!


  1. I'm very much against missionarism. Let people decide for themselves what they want to believe in.

  2. Agreed Duta but when you're religiously insane you can do what ever you think is right in ones addled brain.

  3. The story in my newspaper mentioned that Benin is the center of Voodoo worship in Africa. It quoted one Voodoo member as saying he was a Catholic too. "They are different roads to the same place." I don't think Benny will make much of an impression on most people. They will be polite but they have to live their lives after he is gone.

  4. That is correct and many play both sides. White people have so much they won't miss anything. Be part of it and see what can be chopped. That is the opportunist part of it and there are quite a few that look at it like that.

  5. Few media mentioned that Benin's arch bishop stood down last year over allegations of misconduct, and that several priests were fired (can priests be fired?) because they had wives and children. In short, the Catholic church in Benin is a mess. Could be that the Poop came to sort things out. I doubt that there are reliable statistics at to the supposed growth of Catholicism in Benin. I wouldn't be surprised if evangelical churches grow even faster.

  6. Yes priests can be shit canned with the wave of a bejeweled finger. The priests I met in Ghana both had bedroom dictionaries.

    For the most part Big Whore Media has and will continue to give this terrible man and this organization and the others who do the same a pass. It fits the 1%'s agenda.

    Just another reason we are in the mess we are. Supporting illusions over reality and common sense.
