
Democraps Who Are Just That

Until the definition of democrat used by Big Whore Media remains as is now chalk it up as another huge tool the right owns. We're talking the personhood vote in Mississippi.

Whether it's the democrats above or democrats in office everywhere who support right wing causes like this and say Social Security as another example are not Democrats but something far different and in a huge negative way and need to be called out for that. 

Here Colorado's two democrat senators Udall&Bennet have offered up Social Security on your behalf to the super committie.

I can not think of any one liberal/progressive who would do the same and we're all thrown together by BHM for the most part. 

If that pisses you off given the dynamics of SS alone I'll send a message along for you as well and will not vote for the sonsofbitches. They exist to serve their corporate masters just like most of them.


  1. I don't vote for "Blue Dick" DINOs. And I seem to be the only one who noticed that in 2010, it was mostly the "Blue Dick" types who lost their asses-so I know I'm far from alone in my disgust.

  2. I have always participated at several levels but it's totally something other than what it is now. Not voting for someone who is supposedly on "our side" but we know is not is no loss in my opinion not even a little bit.
