
Happy Thanksgiving Friends

Enjoy the day everyone with your friends and family. The weather in Denver is perfect and am looking forward to getting fed along with some good conversation.

As always thank you for taking the time to come by here!

Have a good one. TB


  1. Roseann and I are having Thanksgiving dinner in Bastrop, Texas, with her sister and her sister's daughter and family. The best to you, Fly, on this beautiful day.

  2. Happy T-day Fly hope you have a good one. Weather here in KC is great today and tomorrow them the bottom drops out

    Was up in the cornfield last weekend, the newlyweds flew into Des Moines and I picked them up and we went up to visit Grandma. A short visit but a good one. Took her a new PC and a UPS to help with that wonderful West Bend power.

    All the best,

    Tim in KC area

  3. Wishing you the best of Thanksgivings, too! Thanks for this blog!

  4. Appreciate the kindness everyone!!!
