
It Used To Be Acapulco Gold

Yup those used to be the good old days but not any more. Not when you have close to 900 people killed so far this year. What a fun place this must of been. This war front and all the other fronts we battle on now plus the ones coming soon do only one thing beside kill and destroy things that not that long ago were good like Acapulco/Nogales and Ciudad Juarez plus every border town for that matter has changed for the negative. Our ongoing wars do one thing very well and that is they enrich the 1% even more and it is just that simple..

This country alone is responsible for every bit of this and is particularly guilty because they have not stopped
it years ago and to this very day there is no dialog to that effect but only of escalation.


  1. The day will come when Americans ask why the president didn't station U.S. combat troops along the border with Mexico to keep the drug cartel thugs and their minions out of this country.

    Instead, the U.S. has upwards of 200,000 troops and contract troops in such shitholes as Afghanistan and Iraq.

    By then, it will be too late. The U.S. is always late to the rodeo preferring to be reactive versus proactive.

  2. These people in DC are not capable of any good legislation. Just ain't gonna happen and like you say it's gonna be late to the party. Thanks Chris.
