
Kissing Ronnie's Dead Bony Ass In The Cornfield Tonight

They'd probably chew on them given the chance and then howl at the moon while getting wood. Sorry - just can't make it.

I stop at a lot of cemetery's and try to be as respectful as I can. If given the chance to view this mans hole in the ground and thought I could get by with it well it might just get pissed on.


  1. Speaking of Saint Reagan, did you see where four, presumably wealthy donors funded the construction of a Reagan-like statue and erected it at the entrance of National Airport in Washington DC?

    The monstrosity was reported to have cost $900,000. It's a very Soviet-looking thing.

    Seriously, the day is coming when some nitwit in Congress will try to get his monkey-mug added to Mt. Rushmore.

  2. No I did not and I just saw it and it's as you say.

    I'll piss all over that too if I ever get a chance. That one and the other three around the world as well. In fact some rich lefty should fund my effort of pissing on all of the Ronnie statues. A first and very appropriate gesture of what this guy stood for.

    They already tried the Rushmore thing I believe.

  3. Crap, they might as well infect Ronnie's corpse with the zombie virus and bring him back up and run him for President again. Oh sure, he'd always be wanting brains. But that gives Zombie Ronnie one up on the current slate of GOP candidates, who neither have brains, nor *want* them.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin
