
Not Just A Bomb - A Ticking Bomb

Defective electronic parts getting in the Pentawhores parts supply putting "our troops at risk".  And the bad guy is China.

Our country's largest budget  expenditure is for the war machine we feed better than anything else.We love war but cannot produce all that we need to sustain the Empire and need to outsource to our biggest challenger in the quest to rule the most of any other country.

You can't support yourselves in the quest for world dominance and depend on your competitor to do so - - - it's long past due you get the hell out of the business of forever war and find other ways to get along rather than using guns!


  1. So war stuff that doesn't work gives both aid an comfort to the enemy and we are at war. Shouldn't we indict for treason all those parts manufacturers who offshored that work?

  2. If only someone was accountable for something starting along about '03.

  3. I bet Blackwater doesn't have defective parts in their machinery.

  4. That is a great point Jan and probably has merit.

  5. Yeah, when I was over fighting to destroy the gun smoking Saddam Bin Laden's mushroom farms, something along the lines of 50% of the JDAMs dropped did not function and had to be hit with an additional JDAM in order to keep the explosives from being cannibalized and used in IEDs.

    Of course, what kind of success rate cna you expect when you're only willing to spend 10 Trillion Dollars are hardware! Yeesh!

  6. That's more than just interesting. They don't talk about that on tb I bet. Thanks for that GeG and I double that yeesh.
