
One Who Saw The Light

I have so much respect when people come over from the dark side because they actually took a moment to really think about the issues. This is a good story but not enough of. Face it - people who work the land tend to be conservative more than liberal. This fellow will be able to educate other that he knows and that's the hope.
Michael Bowman is somewhat of an iconoclast in his hometown of Wray — a life-long Republican turned Democrat after a holistic farming seminar put him on the path of renewable energy. When he was in his mid-30s, Bowman attended a Michael Martin Murphy concert in Alamosa where he happened to sit next to a board member of Holistic Management International. This Albuquerque nonprofit teaches a whole-farm planning system for sustainability. 

Holistic Management International Link


  1. This is maybe a little off topic, but something that goes along with your farm mode, and something I thought you'd enjoy:


    And yes, farmers are mostly conservative, with an emphasis on conserve.

  2. It's not off topic at all. That's the difference with this man is that like so many others whose minds are closed his was not and by being open to other ideas he realized there is a better way and hopefully he can show others the importance of this.
