
Road Problems - Two Cents A Gallon Worth

Back 10/20 put a post up about what seemed to me the massive amount of oil and gas traffic around Bloomfied, NM. This morning I see the Bloomfield city  council approved a resolution for the 2012 election a gas tax of 2 pennys a gallon.

I don't know enough to comment on the particular dynamics there - associations or agreements that may be in place except to say I believe it's fair to say the oil and gas corporations are responsible for the deterioration of the streets there. Make them pay if you can. Hell of a lot easier to say than get done.

The council also approved a resolution to include on the March 2012 city election ballot a 2-cent tax on every gallon of gasoline sold in Bloomfield. The tax will be used to pave and repair Bloomfield streets.

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