

This was news to me. Somebody will probably want to do something. The amount needed to harm yourself is small and one has to really want to do this. If tampons start getting regulated there's always jenkem to fall back on. YIKES!!

You can figure the rest out.


  1. I have never heard the term "jenkem" before.

    The need to alter one's mind goes back to ancient China and opium.

    Kids today inhale the fumes from pain and glue. Both of which can destroy brain cells.

    Two points:

    1.) Perhaps in the U.S., it is time to revisit our drug laws and decriminalize marijuana. I know the alcohol lobby will scream but so what?

    2.) I would seek to analyze why kids today are so unhappy that they have the need to alter their mind in the first place?

  2. "The need to alter one's mind goes back to ancient China and opium."

    That's where I initially was going with this but since it was teenagers and here where I think they are manipulated in far too many negative ways I did not but I agree.

    You cannot legislate behavior/morality if people refuse to do it. Prohibition does not work. Bottom line - people are going to get fucked up and there's no changing it so let's make some money on it ya see.

  3. Teenagers are the easiest people in the world to keep occupied if you don't bore them to tears. They're hard, enthusiastic workers and if you get a bunch of them oriented on a real task, they like that even better. A lot of them seem to get drugged up just to withstand public school. I think it's sad that we round up the most creative minds in our society at the most dynamic time of their lives, and make them sit all day, separated from each other by rules. But then, it's what turns us into a nation of sheep, so let's all soak those tampons and see if it will help us get through the evening news. I haven't needed a tampon for 15 years. Hope I remember how to use it.

  4. Agreed Jan and thank you for your contributions here at OTC!
