
BWM (Big Whore Media) Asks The Question

And I will paraphrase with no linky -

"What's next for Herman the human slug Cain??"

Voices from the left where many never listened to him and the others that much anyway.  Who in the fuck cares or ever cared about this human - really.

Good journalists would have known/investigated this abuser and liar and called him out right out of the box for all his shit. People like this don't deserve a soapbox if media actually performed their duty but that's why they and those who spew their shit are nothing but paid whores for the 1% and yes it is that simple! 


  1. "Frog Determined to Hold Breath Until After the Election"

  2. First I've heard that he is human.


  3. I wasn't sure about the picture Andy - thank you!

    I hope he can make it Fearguth. The repug candidates should have a get together with this guy but I guess having your head buried in the sand isn't the same. I think the toad is smarter.

    Boy did I ever screw up Suzan!
