
The Dark One Hides Again From The Public

I hope it's harder than hell to be the most hated man in the world that you have to constantly hide behind locked doors.

Wouldn't it be special to see another country pull a Noriega on this killer.

 Cheney will be in Denver on Friday to speak at an event which will feature Cheney's wife, Lynne, interviewing him — is closed to the public and media.


  1. Reminds me of The Purple Monster Strikes, a great Republic serial released in 1945.

  2. I couldn't even find a clip of this thing. It must really be bad.

  3. So, who's he speaking to? The local Order of Reptilian Assholes?

  4. Shh, Teresa. It's the Secret Order of Reptilian Assholes.

  5. Recovering drunks and addict - but I like yours much much better.

  6. I've heard the Big Dick wrote an autobiography. Well, not really an autobiography, since insiders say the tome was mostly penned by Cheney's mini me, daughter Liz Cheney.

    All of that is well and fine but what interests me is, a near total lack of interest from the book buying public.

    Expect this Magnum Opus to be on the 75% off pile at Barnes and Nobles before Valentine's Day since the Cheney book is a pile of shit.

  7. Can't think of anyone I know who would waste a penny on a book about this man.

  8. It would be nice if you could take a few Radar guns to the speech. Maybe you could nuke his pump.

  9. And the only person they could find willing to interview him is his wife, Lynne? This is rich.

  10. If only there had been a true patriot somewhere in the crowd.

    With a recording device.
