
Hugo Says

 It's like this folks and there will be just one example used as the possibilities are far too great.

When a country like ours invades and occupies another for lies everything is on the table.  I wouldn't argue against this for a second.  This is the kinda shit this country does. 


  1. Anything is possible, and from what I can tell, probable. Nothing, and I mean nothing, would surprise me.

  2. Remember Martha Mitchell?

    This wife of of John N. Mitchell, US Attorney General under President Richard Nixon? Martha Mitchell was notorious for calling the media and talking to reporters.

    After the Watergate break-in scandal, Martha Mitchell told about her husband's role in the scandal. She became known as "the Mouth of the South."

    She said she had been held against her will in a California hotel room and repeatedly injected with something her captors said was cancer cells.

    She succumbed to cancer a few years later.

  3. I believe in all the conspiracy theories except the one's involving aliens.

  4. Hold it there Mickey. Many thought the chimp was one ya know.

    The thing about conspiracy theories is that explanations given aren't very good sometimes. Everybody remember the magic "one bullet found on a stretcher'?

    I do remember that now Christopher. There are so many things loke that to forget about. It seems there are more of the bad things like that than good things. Or is that way off base because of my notorious shitty attitude?

  5. I do remember Martha Mitchell.

    The only thing I don't like about conspiracy theories is I really, really want to know the truth because I'm curious. And I want to know it now (I'm not patient).

    My Aunt Sharon would say Chemtrails caused the cancer.
