

This has been up before but I like this tune Rollerskate  by Call and Response and I like these boarder kids in da boat as well. It's fun stuff damn it.

Take a close look here as there's more going on than what it appears. There was a bunch of effort that went into this to make it work not to mention some pretty good driving as well.

You can listen to the whole song and others at the link above.

Picture put here because of a comment.


  1. and how long did you have to wait for the train?

  2. The dude (or dudette) on top of the snowbank with the videocamera had some cojones too, 'cause one false move and it woulda been mayhem.

  3. You wouldn't believe how hard these boarders work to make a jump,get to one or climb up the side of a cliff to come down it. Skiers do the same for that matter.

    This was done early one season when there was little snow but it was time for something to happen.

  4. Not an answer, but I won't make it an issue. I was just curious as to how much train traffic was on that rail line.

  5. I did not see that in your query.

    I guessing 10-15 a day. Goes both ways and in that 35 mile stretch just up from the bridge that was in the picture and I will go get that and put it at the bottom here is the only place the tracks cross the road.

    Thanks for stopping by.
