
This Is Too Good

Only a few days old and literally it's almost like being there in Uganda. It's not real time but  it's good enough for me. After viewing this and if possible and I believe it's doable  that  next year at this time I will be staying for several months well south of here to experience intense colors and never before seen animal life that can only be found in the tropics. How can one not be touched by this.

Thanks to PZ Meyers.


  1. Oh, Lord, I do miss the SW. Thanks for the beautiful reminder. Just amazing scenes. I've stood in similar places and the sense of wonder is just impossible to put into words, Isn't it?

    I will leave the gorillas for more capable folk. :)

  2. The gorilla family comes to the "zoo" on a holiday so their babies can pet the human. I think it's amazing how quiet and well-behaved gorilla children are. I wish Africa could just be left to the animals.

  3. Yes Jan and in more ways than not I wish Africa could be left to Africans.

  4. Oh WOW
    FAR OUT.
    The silverback knows no one will mess with him or his family.
    Totally confident, and self assured.
    I agree they went to the zoo and found a human squatting in the jungle.
    @2:40 it looks to me like the guy pissed in his pants.
    Who wouldn't after being so humbled.

  5. I watched this earlier today and was amazed by it. I loved it. Also, I really like how you change the pics at the top of you blog. Always look forward to seeing what's new. Good job!!! Good pics!!! ooOh almost forgot, I think Reality is right bout 2:40

  6. Click on design - on the header click on edit and it will give you the options for changing the header picture if there is one or if one wishes to have one. I have no clue why they are so huge.

    You keep saying those nice things and questions will be answered!

  7. OF I have never seen anything like this. What an experience it must have been to be that man. WoW!!


    Sorry about the snow storm.

    Tim in KC area
