
20 Years And You Lose It

Nothing is guaranteed when you have a business and there are wide ranging difference of opinions of how we got to this point most all wrong - - but what I find interesting is in the second paragraph and highlighted in what looks like chicken shit yellow.

I understand this is like third hand and all. Personally to me there is some credibility here after just driving all over hell and just not seeing much going on in towns the size of Bayfield.  
“It hurts when the love of your life isn’t making it,” said Alma Evans, owner of the 20-year-old floral shop in Bayfield.

She’s not alone, her suppliers and advertising partners have told her repeatedly this month as she cancelled her shop’s contracts. Evans said some popular floral wire services, such as FTD and Teleflora, indicated her contract cancelation is among tens of thousands similar to ones they’re getting from around the country right now.


  1. Seeing that around here too. Need to go into the nail polishing business...they never seem to have any problems??? no parking problems either, cause I never see any cars around their shops??? so..what's the deal there?

  2. On one hand there are empty shops in strip malls and stores in shopping centers all around Sacramento. On the other hand, the "developers" are pushing to build big new crappy buildings all throughout the zone that is outside the urban services boundary. They're like little kids that take one bit of each piece of candy in the box and spit the rest. Pox on them.

  3. Your header is great as usual. I know it is sad everywhere. I'm very worried for our economy.


  4. People are really sre really struggling. A camp host told me about women who were living out of their cars /shitty rv. In four years he had not seen anything quite like that. He also added that they seemed frightened.

    Just like the post - it doesn't mean a bunch - but.

    Thanks Linda.

  5. We don't buy cut flowers, but my wife, an avid butterfly gardener, helps keep local nurseries and online seed and plant suppliers in business.

    I was always thrilled when I finally reached Bayfield, because it was where I would turn north toward Vallecito Lake and the gateway to the Weminuche Wilderness.

  6. I know little about that area.

    Sounds like you have been there more than once FG.
