
Another New One

And they're going fast. If there was a wish it would be that anyone who comes by here could be assured of a better year than last. And in addition those who have been so adversely affected on no part of their own by the greedy and the powerful double better new year.

No matter what Happy New Year to all of you and thanks for visiting!!

Yes it's a new year and the start of the fourth month of a new life for me. Also within the hour it will be the start of a new adventure hopefully in a new camper thingy. So I'm outta here and in all seriousness I don't know where this may lead or for how long but we're going to give it a try. South is the starting direction. Posting here - probably not much.

Have a good one everybody.

There will be some of these I believe ahead.


  1. Take care, Fly! I'm beginning to hear the call of the Great Outdoors.

  2. Happy New Year and have a safe journey to the south OF. Thanks for the pic and MTB tune. Have not heard that one for many years.

    Tim near KC

  3. Happy New Year Bud and I absolutely love that tune.
    You are the only one I have ever seen that knows about it!

  4. Happy New Year Fly and Happy Motoring in your Geezer Buggy.

  5. A little late, but Happy New Year.

  6. Thanks for the flower (my favorite!) and the tune(s)!

    Happy New Year! (we hope)

    Love you (and be careful out there!),


  7. I just wanted to let you know that you've inspired me to read this post

  8. nice post and lots of infromation about the provided treatment thanks

  9. Best of all in the New Year.

  10. Thanks friends !! - only here for a bit.

  11. I had to swing by and hear that again.
    That is some serious whisky sipping music dude.

    Happy Trails.

  12. Really i appreciate the effort you made to share the knowledge.
