
Merika Doesn't Care For The Truth

As always Media Matters tells the truth about the pipeline. There is much blame on dumb shits who believe Big Whore Media. With a slight dash of defense of those people what else are you gonna do when lies is all you get.

The battle for truth cannot be won when you have the 1% controlling the message to the masses.


  1. From hundreds to a million jobs: just like that missile is the size of John J. Pershing's pecker!

  2. Wasn't there a feel good nickname for this damn thing? Peacekeeper? I don't think so.

  3. Given it's size, it would be a real 'Piecekeeper', wouldn't it?

  4. I'm usually very suspicious of the Media and don't buy whatever they want to sell me.
    Your header is very impressive!

  5. If Canada can't sell the Tar Sands oil to the USA, the Canucks say China is standing on the sidelines waiting to enter into a deal to buy it.

    The Tar Sands oil is going to happen.
