
Simple Minded Badges May Attempt The Obvious

It's the badges who are the criminals here and should be treated as such. So many people have been treated like POS by these thugs in uniforms who carry guns to shoot you with and clubs to beat the shit outta you with as well. They do not care.

Most do not deserve the pedestal they are put on. Common sense says this should be at the top of the criteria list before they toss your innocent ass in the slammer screaming they got the wrong guy.


  1. Absolutely love the new header photo!!!

  2. Sounds like Denver cops would look at your picture and say, "Goddam camels! Time to round'em up!"

  3. Thanks girls.

    It is a bit fuzzy.

  4. I think that back when they actually walked beats, and had to get to know the people they were policing, we had a more humanized police force in a lot of places. And community policing, when practiced these days, still inspires a lot of two-way trust and respect.

    In this Rushpubliscum age of guns, guns, guns, and budget cuts, the more trust the police can inspire in the people, the better it will be for everyone. I'd like to see more of them out of their cars and on their feet, getting to know the neighborhood.
