
Wanna Fight

The Empire's record of sabre rattling is legendary and starting war's for lies is one of the world's best. We is ready again.

The U.S. military is now “fully prepared” to deal with any Iranian effort to close the Strait of Hormuz, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Wednesday. “We are not making any special steps at this point in order to deal with the situation,”  “Why? Because, frankly, we are fully prepared to deal with that situation now.”


  1. After weeks of relatively lower gas prices in California, Barry had to go and open his piehole and blather about how the U.S. will never allow Iran to block the Strait of Hormuz.

    Gas prices leaped .20 cents a gallon.

    I put $30 in my SUV yesterday and see the prices have come back down.

    When x-perts said a war with Iran would lead to $10 a gallon gas in the U.S., I guess they were correct.

    Just threatening war caused prices to go up.

  2. Paid 2.88 yesterday. There's so much money waiting to be made I hope a bunch of these 1%er's croak from the excitement pondering those possibilities.

  3. $2.88? Wow. I paid $3.559 at Costco and this is low for Southern California. Gas prices here are truly criminal.

  4. $3.14 to 3.23 in the KC area. Today..

  5. The 2.88 may be a bit of a misrepresentation in that most were at 3.05 and was surprised to see the other so low.

    Was going to buy it locally. I saved 2.20. Sorry but that's a bunch.
