
Declare Victory And Get The Hell Outta There

Montag started a a petition on bama's White house web site titled -

I found it worth signing and who knows after this latest mass murder just maybe -


  1. All three of us guys among not enough others are totally sick of this shit. In the end it may not mean squat but it's something anyway.

  2. Thank you for the post. sir. I am thinking about something my father always told us, about the old lady who pissed in the ocean saying "Every little bit counts".

    Please don't forget your friends in this effort.

    1. My pleasure Mont. I've spread it around other places as well.

  3. Amen One Fly. Reagan declared vitory in Vietnam well after it was over. Obama shouldn't make that mistake. Declare it now and go.

  4. He's got nothing to lose a much to gain in my opinion Truth. Time to start earning that "Peace Prize".

  5. I've called on Barry to end the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan BEFORE the election too.

    But I fear he won't. There is, after all, an election looming and he is much more worried about what the likes of Sen. John McCain and Miss Lindsey Graham might say if he redeployed the troops out of that Middle East shithole called Afghanistan earlier.

    One thing I think we can all agree on is, Barry is no leader.

  6. Look what I just found? I found this AFTER I posted the above comment.

    I was correct. Barry, sounding like his hero, Saint Reagan, says he's even MORE determined to remain in Afghanistan.

    What a fucking shithead.


  7. I think too much of his Mom to call him a SOB but he is every bit a bunch of other things all rolled up together.

    My point has been for a long time that if anyone thinks the Empire's War Machine is going to wind down you are just as "bat shit crazy" as those you poke fun of on the other side.

    Thanks Christopher!
