
Teabaggers Rule The House In Colorado

From Square State -

Squarestate readers may believe this bill will be stopped in the Senate. Tea Party legislators have been successful in passing 135 bills nationwide to limit women's reproductive rights this year. To assume it cannot happen in Colorado is a dangerous assumption. 

It's not so funny now is it.


  1. But the Cons claim they haven't launched a war on women? 2012; so much like 1950.

  2. Teabagging? It's no fun anymore!

  3. Nobody ever does anything wrong anymore and when the bad guys have the upper hand it seems to me anyway the fun just isn't all that great.

  4. How many times do we have to keep defeating this kind of legislation? Right wingers and their zombie bills keep hammering away. If only they gave a crap about the children AFTER they're out of the womb...

  5. Oh, I'm laughing.

    But it's a very dark, Bleak House laugh.

    And did you catch the still delusional Condi Rice blabbing on CBS this morning about how we've gotta stay in Afghanistan now cause it's so much better than it was under the Taliban.

    Who returned and took over the country years ago.

    (But don't tell her. It would so spoil her moment of triumph.)

    Love ya,


    (When are we leaving?)

  6. I have the answers girls -

    They'll never stop skippy so that answer is always. it's like the Terminator being explained in that "that's what he does".

    I heard about Sleazy and again I offered up my services to pull the trip rope on her treasonous fat ass first and then the the rest odf the bush killers.

    You betcha!

  7. One can only hope that they'll be voted out this year now they've shown their true colors.
