
"Back To The Pacific" And We're Not Talking That MacArthur Fellow

Read it if you care but like many things the Empire means business. Of course the prez says yo. These decisions have been made and nobody gets asked let alone Congress. The Pentagon controls what happens in our country.

The failed mid-April launch of a long-range North Korean rocket, billed as a satellite launch but widely seen as the test of a ballistic missile, was the latest reminder of how the Pacific region remains one of the world’s most volatile. It’s also a key focus of the Obama administration’s new national defense strategy.  


  1. You really take some cool pics!!!

    The U.S./Sino proxy wars will take place in Africa.
    The MIC beast must be fed.

  3. You do too TMoon.

    They can do both RZ.

  4. So do we get to sell Japan a boatload of those worthless but overpriced ABM missiles?

  5. North Korea ain't gonna do shit, 'cause they'd collapse tomorrow if China cut them off, and China's working a long game where they intend to be the last man standing when global capitalism collapses due to its inherent contradictions where the health of corporations is put ahead of the health of nations. Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are where half the US economy lives (the other half is in China, heh!), every damn thing we design here in the Silly Cone Valley relies on those three nations to either built it or supply critical components for it, so of course the Empire is gonna be concerned when North Korea acts up. But not concerned enough to instigate a shooting war there, yo -- that'd be so dumb that even the Shrubbery never considered it.

    - Badtux the High-tech Penguin
