
Chucky Grassley On Top Of The Prostitutes In Columbia

I mean after all being the believer he is what other position can he take? LINK

The whore AP with the help of this idiot are changing the tune of this "story" with actual numbers of girls involved. That's right. At least twenty and maybe even 21 and people are headed down there to get the rest of the story first hand from these women.

It has nothing to do with these women and has everything to do with this country and how we do business and treat others around the world.

The two who tried to cheat one of the girls learned from this asshole Grassley as there's a reason they call him "Squeak" back in the cornfield.


  1. Grassley would be on the bottom. If he is paying, they have to do all the work.

  2. Did I say this before? I hope they're all married because the government might let them off, but they'll hear about it forever from their wives. I'd happily volunteer to be the "wife" of any who are single, I can nag with the best of them.

    1. I think you did just that. Merka will want to know every story bout this.

      Unfortunately they will probably get something close to that.
