
Doing All They Can

That is to not kill innocents with drone attacks and if you don't like it you and everyone else can kiss your respective asses all the way up to the brown.

I'm so tired of kissing my own ass knowing too that the change I and maybe you want as well isn't coming. And not later either.

Day before yesterday there was a local tragedy where out of towners were attending an event associated with religion. A drunk monkey kills three young girls and the father of one of the girls is in front in another vehicle and is at the scene. Her graduation picture shows her to be very attractive and who I'm sure had the same feelings all of us had when we were about to graduate. People prayed in a group at the scene.

My Dad said he felt that a person had to believe in something and I do not disagree with that. I turned out to be a realist. That's not new. 

There is no mocking here it's way too sad. My question is what does it take for people to get it?

It's important because our country is driven by these two things war and religion and in a huge negative way. 

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