
Fly Defends The Romneys On The Mutt Issue And Has Ass Ripped Half Off By Rabid Leftist Do Gooders

It's true. It's also true that I have no time for this family and no need to explain except for the following.

I said it was the Left's birther issue and just leave it alone. That I believed Ann Romney when she said how fired up the mutt Seamus got at the mere thought of going for a ride. That hound didn't give a shit one way or the other where he rode just that he wanted to come. Dogs are like that. Dogs are different than people. That's why they are dogs and we are people. Plus I think the hound may have been an Irish setter and they're dumb as shit and happy as hell most of the time anyway.

Some dogs wouldn't like riding the way Seamus did. That's different. Let me repeat - that's different.

What was done with Seamus does not fit the definition of cruelty or Wikipedia's description of animal cruelty.

It may be odd and pretty strange on the part of this family but it's not what is being said. You are entitled to think otherwise.

The people on this thread went winger ballistic on me. A place where there was common ground with most participants. It was like the drunken mob outside the Sheriff's office. 

Many on the left will behave like this because they want you know just how smart and correct they are. Righteous too! Similar to the abortion position of the Right there are no exceptions when they decide just what animal cruelty is and you can't. You then become an enemy immediately. It happens a lot and this is not the first for me. I am guilty of the same but made a vow years ago I would be different and have been.

I believe this is a big reason the left has such huge problems. In that they will fight among themselves to prove who is the smartest and most knowledgeable on issues and the direction to take. The Right  is not like that.

It kills me sometimes how fast lefty's can turn on one and another and that's a fact! Many feel the bone has got be all theirs or else.


  1. Shrug it off. I don't think it's akin to the birther-madness but, Romney's blatant disregard and callous indifference to the thousands of American workers and his haughty aristocratic aires, "I like to be able to fire people who provide me services." is a much more telling attribute about the man.

  2. Being a smart ass Gene. This has been out there for a long long time and has similarities to the birther shit that's a fact.

    We can argue but I will not and many on the left would argue about just that and that is my point I attempted to make in the post.

    Of course the quote you use is the real issue.

    Fuck the dog and get on with business.

  3. Remember the line in Wall Street where Michael Douglas tell Charlie Sheen: That's the thing about WASP's they hate people and love animals.
    Republicans hate both.

  4. Hummmmmmmmmmmmm


  5. Love the header photo, as always!

