
Not Only Can't You Have It But You Can't Say It Either

Badges of all kinds are out in force along with fertilizer spreaders to stop talk about da pot on the grounds of Colorado University in Boulder.

Plus down in playland the long and powerful arm of mighty CU reaches to squelch any mention of activities that have a long history of participation.

Plus da bama is coming on Tuesday to toot his horn like he did awhile back in Colorado about how much he wants to take care of these pesky student loans.  

bama is a player in this war against marijuana. A war that makes criminals out of decent people and good Americans. He sends his goons to raise hell with innocents. There is another position this man could take that could lead us in a positive direction of decriminalizing but he takes the opposite position because they told him to and like it or not this man is there to take care of the 1% and that's what he does.

What the hell - - IT'S DA POT MON


  1. Obama is no friend of civil liberties, that's for sure!

  2. It's okay to say that here Fearguth because for one thing it's true. Say that other places and you immediately become an enemy of those we're supposed to be on the same side as.

    That is a huge reason the dims lose and will do so again in Nov.

  3. At the Coors Event Center none the less. This world is upside down.

    1. Well- - - why didn't they have it at their own stadium.

  4. AHHH Stretch is saying ...WHAT YA DOING? Really cute cat!


  5. I forgot to put here name under the picture.
