
Scandal Huh?

How stupid are people?? What do you think these guys do with their free time when they travel? They have money,transportation,contacts and influence. Yes they party.

If it were in Nevada it would be legal. Getting caught at this level shows there are plenty of dim bulbs within this group.

 FBI Prostitution Scandal Link 

Meanwhile embassies in Kabul were attacked in what is described as the "most serious since 2001".

You can talk about war anytime as there is plenty fodder for that but when you got prostitutes on the table now that is news ya see!


  1. Damn ya swing a good hammer....nail on the head!
    Ya think?...
    But the afghan's are holding their own against the meanies
    Always love your site!

    1. Thank you for that bat!! You're welcome anytime.

  2. The boys didn't know the local customs. Like just because you don't talk money doesn't mean it isn't business. And always let the front desk know who is going up to your room with you. If you don't the police will knock on your door to find out. If you follow the rules, what happens in Cartagena, stays in Cartagena.

    And it is legal in Cartagena, just like in Nevada.

  3. I hope those bozos are all married and they catch hell at home.

  4. They wanted their personal service to be a secret.
    Hush, hush.

    Wonder if the cost of joy was included in their per-diem?
    Is it a write off on their taxes as a charitable contribution.

  5. http://www.whitehousedossier.com/2012/04/14/biden-earned-21000-year-secret-service/

    1. Poor dumb Joe ain't got enough to make it. Then there's da 10% to da poop.

  6. At this level it's pretty damn damn bad to get yourselves caught. real bad actually.

    This goes on all the time when they travel like this. It's one of the fringe benefits.

    I've had a couple interactions with these types and after that and to this day I think most of these people are probably power tripping pricks who carry guns.

  7. It's my understanding Secret Service members are not allowed to marry due to the inherent risk of the job.

    These clowns were more interested in dipping their wick in some Colombian poontang than protecting President Obama. Not professional behavior and nor acceptable.
