
Wind Dynamics

I do not know the whole story on this assistance given to company's who make wind generators but would bet plenty it does not come even close to what "big oil" gets from you and me.

Held hostage with with nutter lies and media assistance just like most everything else in DC. I do not want to see these jobs lost around the country in this industry for the obvious numerous reasons.


  1. I don't know either, but Alexander's wrong. Wind energy is far cleaner than oil, and deserves support on that basis alone. It will save us money in the long run.

  2. Of course all of that Cujo and more. Logical productive discussions are a thing of the past when the business at hand is to transfer more of the wealth from the little guy to the 1%.

  3. Wind is great to generate electricity. California and Texas (to name two states) have huge "wind farms" that produce green electricity.

    However, that said, wind won't power our cars. So every time I see Barry on TV yapping about wind when asked what he plans to do about $5.00 a gallon gas, I realize he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

    1. I went and looked after you mentioned Cali and Texas Chris and what I read they had Iowa in 3rd. I was sure it was 2nd and had been for some time. So I didn't say anything. Just now I saw THIS from the cornfield that says it goes Texas,Iowa and California with the most jobs in Iowa.

      There are 12 or 15 supposed to be built just south of here maybe 6 miles. I will enjoy looking at them if I'm here.
