
Winding Down The Month Of Mumbo Jumbo

Originally posted 3/3010 things remain the same. How I hated being forced to participate in these rituals that I knew were all lies.

Ramping Up For The Biggy On Sunday

After a getaway from all the political nonsense close to two weeks worth I have yet to read much on politics and am unclear if and when I will.

But I do know this Sunday is Easter a major event for many who believe in the impossible and bizarre but don't believe they need to call out the priests who rape their children.

The lead up to the finale starts on Thursday night with rituals performed that rival any around the world. As an alter boy it was up close and personal.

Then the afternoon on Friday that became excruciating with what seemed like endless bullshit of nonsensical words that meant nothing to me ever.

Never had to do the Saturday bs as even my parents knew a kid can take only so much.

Finally after Sundays event it was back to a bit of normality but the damage had been done after a month of major mumbo jumbo religious insanity.

1 comment:

  1. The Cult of Pedophilia is on the move!

    Catholic Bishops Defunding Non-Profits Who Voice Support For Gay Marriage


    The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) — the official group that represents the Roman Catholic Church in America, headed by Cardinal Timothy Dolan – is defunding small, local, and critical non-profit organizations that help minorities and the poor, if they demonstrate support for gay marriage, or any other issue the Catholic Church deems offensive. Through its Catholic Campaign for Human Development fund, the U.S. Catholic Bishops are contacting charities and threatening to pull funding — which can be half a group’s entire annual budget — if they continue to voice support for same-sex marriage equality or women’s health rights, or even if they associate with other groups who do.
