
Who's The Bad Guy

I hope this guy wins. Is this a first? I doubt it but it's a fact whether it's this case or any other of your choice the badges and associated others are the criminals. 


  1. Social Justice Member, I fail to understand your hatred for "Rednecks" or "Simpletons".

    I am all for equality and rights. However I refuse to step in your territory of being part of your whiny paranoid group.

    There is nothing wrong with being a "redneck" I am very smart and intelegent. I have wrote many programs and am working on a game. However, It's my choice to live in a rural wooded area away from -you- who wants to take my land away to build your ugly little McMansions. It's my choice to live in a simple life, It's my choice to want to protect mother earth, Who gave her resources to create your ungrateful ass. Speaking of rednecks it's cute how you think your better yet from your icon you look the part.
    But, McFly, Fry can I call you that, Fry? So, Fry, I want you to let you know you have no real power or authority to change anything. I think you being part of this group has gone to your head to make you think you'r e a special little snowflake.

    I expect you to hide this like a coward as most SJ members are.

    1. Just how goddamn stupid are you fucktard??

    2. Sollux is just making an attempt to be funny. Right? Please tell me that's right.

    3. No Jan - he's a for real one.

  2. Good grief! I've never seen a person before who claims to be "intelegent." We'll overlook the grammatical errors, that one alone is enough.

  3. I didn't catch that butt I'm not that gud of spellar.
