
The Arrogance Of All The Panetta's

This brilliant dick head has found the solution to ending suicide in the military. First step is lay the responsibility on other peoples doorstep. Then the solution becomes simple.

What a piece of shit this guy is.


  1. This isn't just arrogant, it's just plain stupid! and this is our defense secretary??? Makes ya just wonder what other brilliant ideas he's come up with???

  2. I second that. What do you expect from a guy who looks like his last job was as a mafia goon. Oh, wait, that's his Current job.

  3. You should see the comment I left on the article. I'm sure it will go over like a lead balloon over at the Army Times, lol

  4. Stick MOTHS!!! This is not the moth that comes in masses is it?


    1. No they're not Linda. There were two of these last night and had seen one before and it fooled me and I scared it away before I got a picture. They're pretty small.

  5. When I saw this I was insulted but here is where we are at. Never will attitudes like this from powerful people and most corporations become acceptable for this guy.

  6. The modern way of thinking, alright. Truman had his sign on his desk saying "The Buck Stops Here", nowadays everybody in any kind of leadership position has a sign on their desk saying "The Buck Stops Over There". Which is one reason why WASF....

    - Badtux the Sick Society Observin' Penguin

  7. That's DoD culture - there's always something the lower ranks are expected to do. I don't like that they seem to have not gotten it together on dealing with suicides after three years, but the day a DoD leader makes a policy comment on something like this, and it doesn't have something for the troops to do - that's the day I'll thinking something's changed there.

    1. Change we can hope in Cujo.

      Good point and interesting.
