
Colorado Repug Nazi Bastards

I will let Progress Now frame this. My point is that no matter where you are at as a Repuglican only the extreme right position is allowed. Any deviation from that will be dealt with. Even though you harbor a unregistered sex offender and say yourself you can't smile. If you want to see the prick who can't smile you can go here.

The Whites are good people and Republican. That does not fly in these times.

Across the state, what moderate Republicans, not to mention progressives, describe as the worst-case scenario has taken place. On the Western Slope, a moderate Republican Senator, Jean White, was hounded from office for daring to vote in favor of civil unions legislation supported by the vast majority of the public. The man who defeated her, Rep. Randy Baumgardner, helped lead the obstruction against civil unions in the House this year, and was richly rewarded by out-of-state conservative attack groups who funded a smear campaign against Sen. White. The push to defeat Sen. White after her brave vote was so great that Baumgardner won despite revelations about an unregistered sex offender living in his home.


  1. Whaaaaat??? Did I read this correctly???

  2. Yes you did. These people are half nuts but this is where we are at.

  3. Just half??? What's wrong??? Does nobody really study issues/candidates or do they just vote (as you call it) repugs?

  4. At this time the only position repuglicans have is the Tbagger side which is actually what they have morphed into. And proud of it too.
